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La siguiente información está destinada a profesionales sanitarios con capacidad para dispensar o prescribir medicamentos.

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Colicen 4.000.000 UI/ml


Colicen 4.000.000 UI/ml

Colistin oral

Pharmaceutical form

Solution for use in drinking water/milk

Target species

Cattle / Swine / Poultry / Sheep

Pack sizes

1 L and 5 L


Each ml contains:
Active substance:
Colistin (as sulfate) 4000000 IU
Benzyl alcohol (E1519) 0.010 ml

Indications for use

Cattle (calves), sheep (lambs), pigs, chickens and turkeys:
Treatment and metaphylaxis of enteric infections caused by non-invasive E. coli,
susceptible to colistin.
The presence of the disease should be established in the group or herd before
metaphylactic treatment.

Posology and administration via

To be administered orally.
In drinking water/milk use
Calves, lambs, pigs: 100 000 IU of colistin per kg body weight daily for 3-5
consecutive days in drinking water or milk (replacer) in calves, equivalent to 0.25 ml
of the concentrate solution per 10 kg body weight per day for 3-5 days.
Chickens and turkeys: 75 000 IU of colistin per kg body weight daily for 3-5
consecutive days in drinking water, equivalent to 18.75 ml of the concentrate solution
per Ton of body weight per day for 3-5 days.
Duration of treatment should be limited to the minimum time necessary for the
treatment of the disease.
Any medicated water which is not consumed within 24 hours should be discarded.
Any medicated milk which is not consumed within 3 hours should be discarded.

Withdrawal periods

Calves, lambs and pigs: Meat and offal: 1 day
Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.
Chickens and turkeys: Meat and offal: 1 day. Egg: zero days


SPC Colicen 4.000.000 UI/ml

Promotional brochure
